Contact White Laith Primary School

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0113 2930280


0113 2946800

When you telephone school, 0113 2930280, the telephone is likely to be answered by Mr Barker (School Business Manager) or Ms Ashmore (Administrator). They are more than happy to deal with any queries you have and will arrange for you to speak to the relevant member of staff if required. If you require a paper copy of any information on our website please contact Mr Barker (School Business Manager) or Ms Ashmore (Administrator) in the office.

Find White Laith Primary School >>

Naburn Road
Whinmoor, Leeds, LS14 2BL
United Kingdom

0113 2930280

White Laith Primary School is situated within Whinmoor in Leeds. Children and adults work together in an atmosphere of trust, respect and belonging. We aim to treat everyone with equal dignity and worth valuing their particular characteristics. The Staff and Governors are determined to make our school a place of excellence and the children
share that desire.


Tiddlers, Parent & Two's

Rich and varied White Laith care – A wide selection of stimulating resources and activities

Parent & Two's Group
9.00-10.30 a.m.

White Laith Tiddlers
9.00-10.30 a.m.

Parent and Twos’ Group - currently not running during Autumn term

We run a parent and twos group for parents who have two year olds, every Tuesday 9.00 – 10.30am. This gives the children the opportunity to become accustomed to our Foundation Stage unit with their parents. Children are encouraged to join in all the available activities and have fun!

White Laith Tiddlers

Tiddlers is our group for parents/carers and children from birth to 3 years. This year the group is led by two of our parent volunteers and runs every Wednesday 9.00 – 10.30am, just drop in.

The sessions are an opportunity for parents to meet and to play with your children in a different environment to home. It is also an opportunity for parents to meet each other, share ideas and provide some mutual support – parenting can be tough!
If you have a children aged 0-3 and you would like to come along please just come through the B4A club via the green gate in the front carpark at 9.00am. There is no need to book.


Parent & two's